Our goal is to grow sustainably, preserving the environment and reducing the use of natural resources.

Socio-environmental Policy
3tentos is a company with roots in Santa Barbara do Sul – RS and carries the essence of agriculture in its DNA. Active in all links of the agribusiness supply chain, from seed genetics to the production of soybean meal and Biodiesel. 3tentos believes that for its system to be strong and long-lasting, the environment in which it operates also needs to gain from its development. Based on this principle, and with ethics and transparency, it implements its Socio-Environmental Policy with the following guidelines committing itself to:

- Comply with legal requirements and other compliance obligations related to environmental issues in all its activities;
- Monitor and continuously improve its Social and Environmental Management System;
- Continuously improve its processes by establishing periodic objectives and targets for the reduction and prevention of environmental impacts, optimizing the use of its natural resources and reducing the generation of waste;
- Train and raise employee awareness so that they act in accordance with its social and environmental premises and guidelines;
- Promote the sustainable development of the community where it operates.
3tentos and responsibility to the environment
Since our foundation, our DNA has carried an enormous commitment to society, due to the genuine purpose of our founders to leave a positive legacy in Brazilian society.
Rain water harvesting
Water is an indispensable natural resource for various life cycles, a commodity that is increasingly scarce.
In order to minimize the effects of scarcity and preserve the use of potable groundwater, in 2018 we put into operation a rainwater capture and storage system with 7,000 m³ of capacity. After it is harvested, the water is reused in the industrial process.
Zero Effluent Factory
Seeking to reduce environmental impacts, the 3entos plant has had a Zero Effluent system from the very start. This means that all the effluents generated within the industry are treated and reused, and are not released into the environment.
Green curtain
A green curtain is an alternative that can be used in order to reduce the dust from the industrial activity of grain processing. Therefore, in 2020, we planted 260 tree seedlings around the facilities of the 3tentos plant in Ijuí.
Environmental Education
Environmental awareness is a topic that is periodically discussed with our employees, using lectures. In addition, we develop sustainable actions, such as projects for legal separation and collection of batteries. The recyclable material is donated to the local Association of Waste Pickers.