Board of Directors and Executive Management

Board of Directors

João Marcelo Dumoncel - President

He has a degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with a specialization in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. At the beginning of his professional career he worked as a trainee at the Chubb do Brasil Cia insurance company for two years, until, in 1993, when he turned his focus toward agribusiness. In 1995, he served as a founding partner of Três Tentos Agroindustrial, actively participating in the entire process of building and growing the 3tentos Group, where he worked as Commercial and Industrial Director until 2020. In addition, he was a member of the Customer Council for FMC Química do Brasil in 2013 and Director of ANDAV (National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Input Distributors) in 2016. In 2020, he became the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of our Company, in addition to being the Chairman of our Board of Directors.

Luiz Osório Dumoncel - Vice President

He has a degree in veterinary medicine from the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. In September 2019, it was approved by Harvard Business School for the Owner/President Management (OPM) program, which, due to Covid-19, will start in May 2021 and is expected be completed by 2023. After experiences as a veterinarian focused on raising and finishing cattle, as well as experience in agricultural production, in 1995 he became a founding partner of Três Tentos Agroindustrial, where he took over as Financial Administrative Director. Since then, he has participated directly in the growth and evolution of the 3tentos Group, concerned with providing a complete solution in the agribusiness industry and combining family tradition and commitment with technological evolution. He is currently Director of the Association of Biodiesel Producers – APROBIO – SP; in addition, he has served as the Vice President of the Association of Seeds Producers APASSUL – RS (1996-2004) and as President of the Fundação Pró-Sementes – RS (2001 – 2010). In 2019, he took over as our Chief Executive Officer-CEO. He is also the Vice-Chairman of our Board of Directors.

Daniel Pires Carneiro

He holds a law degree from Universidade Candido Mendes – Centro, RJ, and founded the corporate law firm DC Associados, and has extensive experience as a transactional, private equity and M&A attorney. He was chairman of the Board of Directors of Tommy Hilfiger do Brasil, having also served as statutory legal director of Inbrands S.A. (2009-2016), as legal counsel for Opus Investimentos (2007-2009) and as an attorney for Castro, Barros, Sobral, Gomes Advogados (2004-2007). He studied Leadership in Corporate Counsel from Harvard Law School, and has an LL.M. in Law and Economics from the University of Manchester, and Master in Law and Economics from the Universitá di Bologna, Italy.

Ademar Schardong (Independent)

He holds a law degree from Universidade Luterana do Brasil and a master’s degree in Corporate and Business Law from Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. He dedicated 35 years of his professional life to an executive career in the construction of the SICREDI System, where he led and implemented several projects, having worked since the construction of the regulatory framework that allowed the development of credit unions in Brazil as part of the national financial system, to planning and implementing SICREDI’s governance policy. He is currently a partner and administrator of Longevisar Consultoria Ltda., dedicated to governance and corporate education projects; he is also a member of the Board of Directors at Rio Grande Seguros e Previdência S/A and is on the Advisory Board of Icatu Holding S/A. He was recognized several times for his performance, having received, among other awards, the Leaders and Winners Award, granted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and by the Federation of Trade Associations of RS, and the Peter Drucker Trophy, granted by the Association of the Marketing and Sales Managers of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Top de Marketing ADVB).

Jorge Luís Vargas Cardoso (Independent)

He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from PUC/RS with an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV and is also a certified graduate of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC. He has several other courses, including Global Strategic Management from Harvard Business Scholl (HBS) and the Board of Directors course from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC). He was appointed Associate Professor in 2015 at FDC. He has several publications on Family Governance and Business Management, including the book Extensão, which deals with reflections on business life. He served as an executive of business groups such as Braskem, Mars, Arteb, Medabil and POLO, working for two decades on Boards of several organizations in various states of Brazil. He was President of associations such as SINPLAST and Vice President of Federasul, as well as Director of Abilplast and FIERGS. He is a permanent Gold member of the international Young President Organization (YPO).

Marina Salles Fusco Piccini

Graduated in Business Administration at Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) and holds an MBA in Foreign Trade and International Relations from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Founding partner of AgroSchool, she works in agribusiness since 2003 and has worked in multinational companies, futures and trading brokers, in the areas of Market Intelligence, Strategic and Commercial Planning, Risk Management, and Commercialization. She also works as a teacher, lecturer and consultant.

Executive Management

Luiz Osório Dumoncel - CEO Founder

He has a degree in veterinary medicine from the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. In September 2019, it was approved by Harvard Business School for the Owner/President Management (OPM) program, which, due to Covid-19, will start in May 2021 and is expected be completed by 2023. After experiences as a veterinarian focused on raising and finishing cattle, as well as experience in agricultural production, in 1995 he became a founding partner of Três Tentos Agroindustrial, where he took over as Financial Administrative Director. Since then, he has participated directly in the growth and evolution of the 3tentos Group, concerned with providing a complete solution in the agribusiness industry and combining family tradition and commitment with technological evolution. He is currently Director of the Association of Biodiesel Producers – APROBIO – SP; in addition, he has served as the Vice President of the Association of Seeds Producers APASSUL – RS (1996-2004) and as President of the Fundação Pró-Sementes – RS (2001 – 2010). In 2019, he took over as our Chief Executive Officer-CEO. He is also the Vice-Chairman of our Board of Directors.

João Marcelo Dumoncel - COO Founder

He has a degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with a specialization in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. At the beginning of his professional career he worked as a trainee at the Chubb do Brasil Cia insurance company for two years, until, in 1993, when he turned his focus toward agribusiness. In 1995, he served as a founding partner of Três Tentos Agroindustrial, actively participating in the entire process of building and growing the 3tentos Group, where he worked as Commercial and Industrial Director until 2020. In addition, he was a member of the Customer Council for FMC Química do Brasil in 2013 and Director of ANDAV (National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Input Distributors) in 2016. In 2020, he became the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of our Company, in addition to being the Chairman of our Board of Directors.

Cristiano Machado Costa - CFO

Mr. Cristiano Machado Costa holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universidade Federal do Estado Rio Grande do Sul (2002), a master’s degree in Economics from Fundação Getulio Vargas – RJ (2004) and a doctorate in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania (2010). He joined the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos in 2014 and was an Adjunct Professor, dedicated to research projects and teaching at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels, in courses of the School of Management and Business at Unisinos, in the areas of Accounting and Finance, and joined the faculty of the Professional Master’s in Corporate and Business Law at the School of Law at Unisinos. As a researcher, he has published articles in national and international journals, such as Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Journal of Management and Governance, and International Finance. He has experience as a member of the Fiscal Council of the Brazilian Econometric Society, Investment and Finance Director of Reference Negócios, member of the Fiscal Council of Marcopolo S.A., member of the Board of Directors of Banrisul Cartões S.A, and member of the Audit Committee of 3tentos. Mr. Cristiano Machado Costa has not been subject to the effects of any criminal conviction, conviction or application of penalty in any administrative proceeding before CVM and no final and unappealable conviction, in the judicial or administrative sphere, which would have caused the suspension or inability to practice any professional or commercial activity, being, therefore, duly qualified to practice his professional activities. Additionally, Cristiano Machado Costa declared to us that he is not characterized as a politically exposed person, pursuant to CVM Instruction 301/99.

Eduardo Augusto P. de Menezes Filho - Commercial Director

With a degree in Agronomic Engineering from FAEM/UFPEL, and a Masters in Seed Science and Technology from UFPel. At the beginning of his professional career, he worked as an Agricultural Consultant. After completing his Master’s Degree in 2002, he joined FMC Química do Brasil, where for 13 years he worked in various positions and regions, with emphasis as a Commercial Technical Representative in the cities of Passo Fundo, Santa Maria and Cruz Alta in RS and Rondonópolis/MT serving major soybean and cotton producers.

In 2009, as Marketing Coordinator in RS and SC, he supported the development of new products, training of the Distributors and Cooperatives Teams, and in 2011 he took on the position of Southern Cultivation Manager in the Brazil Marketing area, where he worked in MS, Southern SP , PR, SC and RS, supporting the commercial teams with Marketing campaigns, Business Plans, and Product Launches, and led a team of 22 people in demand generation. (Soy, Rice, Corn, Wheat and Tobacco).

In 2015, as a regional Manager, he led the Expansion of 3tentos for Southern RS.

Benhur Vione - Input Director

With a degree in Agronomic Engineering from UNIJUI, and a postgraduate degree in Business Management of Cooperatives, and an MBA from HSM in São Paulo. At the beginning of his professional career in 2000, he worked as a Sales consultant at Cotrijui, where he coordinated different technical and commercial projects for the cooperative. In 2007, he started his activity at the multinational company BASF, where he served as Technical Sales Representative and special account manager, with 3tentos as a client. After 5 years of work, he became the Crop Protection Manager at 3tentos, developing and actively participating in the creation and implementation of the company’s Research area, as well as other programs. He currently coordinates the commercial and technical areas for crop protection, corn hybrids, and specialties, as well as their logistical processes.

Luiz Augusto Utzig Dumoncel - Commodities Director

With a degree in Business Administration from PUCRS with Specialization in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. He also participated in the Hectare Course – Management and Rural Succession promoted by Perestroika – POA. He began his professional activities as an intern at Banco do Brasil. Afterwards, he served as a trainee at INTL FCStone Inc. (United States) in the risk management sector for agricultural commodities and coffee and cocoa imports. In 2014, he joined the Trainee Program for Successors at Três Tentos Agroindustrial and was Fertilizer Manager for the company between 2017 and 2020, a period in which the sector grew sales by 213%.

Leandro Carlos Carbone - Industrial Director

With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UNIJUI, and specialization in Agribusiness from UFPR. At the beginning of his professional career, while studying as an undergraduate, he started as an engineering intern at Kepler Weber in Panambi/RS for a year and a half and later became Budget Supervisor. Afterwards, he worked as a Trainee Engineer at Louis Dreyfus Commodities, rebuilding a port terminal for grain shipping in Paranaguá/PR. Between 2003 and 2006 he participated in the expansion of the extraction and refining industry in Jataí/GO. In 2006 he returned to Cruz Alta / RS to reactivate the extraction plant what was then called Coceagro, as an Industrial Manager. In 2009 he joined Camera Agroalimentos as Industrial Manager of the Santa Rosa/RS Plant and worked with the expansion and construction of their industries. In 2011, he joined 3tentos as Industrial Manager for the assembly of the Extraction and Biodiesel industries, and in 2014 he was invited to take over the commercial area for Commodities, where he worked until 2020.

Alan Eneas Araldi - Marketing Director

With a degree in Agronomy from UPF, and a specialization in Marketing from FGV in 2011, Business Negotiation in 2014, and Specialization in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral in 2019. At the beginning of his career he served as Technical Sales Assistant for BASF for two years, and in 2011 he joined 3tentos serving strategic customers with cooperative seed producers. In 2012 he took over the sector and was hired as Product Manager (Seeds). Since 2019, he has been working in the company’s Marketing department with strategic marketing approaches, communication and digital solutions.

Marcelo Dumoncel Tagliari - Administrative Director

With a degree in Business Administration from Centro Universitário de Brasília – UniCEUB and a postgraduate degree in Agribusiness Management from ESPM. He began his professional activities as an intern at the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company – INFRAERO, after which he worked for two years in an extension project called “Junior Company – Integrated Consulting Projects,” which offers consulting services for micro and small enterprises. In 2013, he served as a trainee at INTL FCStone Inc. (United States) in the agricultural commodity risk management sector. In 2014, he joined the Trainee Program for Successors at Três Tentos Agroindustrial, and since 2016, he is an Administrative Manager, performing activities in the areas of: corporate information management, ethics committee, independent complaint channel program, and management of audit processes in sectors and units. He has Six Sigma Green Belt Certification by RL & Associados, São Paulo/SP.

Luiz Pedro Dumoncel - Financial Services Director

Business administrator from PUCRS and Master in Entrepreneurship from Bayes Business School (Cass). He has experience in companies such as Cambionet and John Deere, and was a trainee at 3tentos Agroindustrial, working in all sectors of the company, participating in more than 14 sectors and departments. He led the TentosCap project, a fintech specializing in credit for Brazilian farmers. He is currently the Financial Services Director at 3tentos.

Misiara de Alcântara - Human Resources Director

She has a degree in Business Administration (UPF), an MBA in People Management from FGV, training in Group Dynamics from the Brazilian Society of Group Dynamics (SBDG) and a professional master’s degree in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), HEC (France) and ESADE (Spain). She has worked in People Management for 25 years, having worked for Metasa S/A and Kepler Weber S/A. She has been leading teams and implementing people management strategies in organisations for 14 years, with a focus on culture and engagement management projects and implementing performance evaluation models, among others. She is also a member of the ABRH/RS and SESI/SENAI boards.