About Us

We are a family owned company in the agribusiness sector, guided by the seriousness, trust, and honesty of the people who built this story. We believe that we are made by people with a sense of belonging, who work with what they like, focused on agribusiness, and who collectively walk according to the vision and objectives of the company, valuing partnerships with clients 365 days a year.

The history of the Dumoncel family in agriculture began in 1954, with the visionary outlook of João Osório Dumoncel and Clélia Luiza Kloeckner Dumoncel, sowing some of the first wheat fields in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. More than farmers, the couple, together with their children Luiz Osório Dumoncel and João Marcelo Dumoncel, understood that they needed to innovate and contribute even more to Brazilian society and agriculture.

That was how in 1995, Três Tentos Agroindustrial S/A began commercial activities, with the purpose of being a company offering solutions and support for agribusiness.

Producing seeds, which was its pioneer activity, through a constant partnership with farmers, 3tentos has grown and conquered its space in the Brazilian agribusiness market, incorporating activities that complete the production and industrial cycle to its solutions.

Operating in more than 69 commercial units, 3 industrial parks, 2 technological research centers, 2 seed processing units and a fertilizer mixing unit, 3tentos consolidates its operation in the agricultural value chain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul every day and continues in expansion plan to the Midwest.

Focused on long-term partnership and relationships, 3tentos has more than 168 professionals (agronomers and agricultural technicians and researchers) who provide specialized consultancy in field management, management and technology to its nearly 24,000 active clients.

The result of this effort is in the export of soy, corn, wheat, soybean meal to countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia, as well as the recognition of our farming clients in Brazil.